

Week of French Academician Lectures Opens


Professor Claude Weisbuch, a French academician and world-renowned physicist, opened the Week of French Academician Lectures on May 14, speaking on  “The Control of the Light-matter Interaction in Light Emitters.”

From May 14 to 20, seven French scientists, including six academicians, will deliver lectures in a program aimed at cultivating scientific awareness of the public and communicating new research among experts.

The lecture series, co-sponsored by Tsinghua. University and L’Université de Tous les Saviors (UTLS), is part of activities of the Sino-French Culture Year.

Topics cover areas such as photoelectrons, life science, astronomy, and physics.

Before Professor Weisbuch spoke, French Ambassador to China Philippe Guellury noted that the lectures are a precious gift from France to China.


Tsinghua Vice President He Jiankun attended the opening ceremony and extended a warm welcome to the French guests.




Reported by Li Cen


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