?Qiu Yong visits Vietnam, deepens university ties
?This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Vietnam, as well as the China-Vietnam Year of People-to-People Exchanges?Qiu Yong visits Vietnam, deepens university ties
?This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Vietnam, as well as the China-Vietnam Year of People-to-People Exchanges??Tsinghua News – 2024 in Review
??Tsinghua News – 2024 in ReviewThe Tsinghua University Warring States Bamboo Manuscripts (Volume 14), Collated Interpretation Series, and Studies and Translation Series Book Launch Held in...
On December 20th, the book launch for The Tsinghua University Warring States Bamboo Manuscripts (Volume 14), Collated Interpretation Series, and Studies and Translation Series was held at Tsinghua UniversityGlobal MOOC and Online Education Conference reimagines future of higher education in the intelligence era
On December 12th, 2024, the 2024 Global MOOC and Online Education Conference (GMC) officially started in LondonJijie Chai Research Group from Tsinghua Published Article in Nature, Revealing New Receptor Activation Mechanism by Plant Peptide Hormone
The research group led by Prof. Jijie Chai from School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, collaborated with Dr. Weicai Yang’s group from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Ch...Prof. Yigong Shi’s group reported the structure of yeast spliceosome and the splicing mechanism in two Science articles
On August 21st, the research team led by Prof. Yigong SHI from School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University published two side-by-side research articles in ScienceTsinghua Welcomes New Students; Opening Ceremony Held
Registration for new students took place on August 19. Tsinghua has enrolled more than 3,300 undergraduate students in 2015, and an opening ceremony was held for new students the following dayYigong Shi’s group published the structure of human γ-secretase at atomic resolution
Prof. Yigong Shi’s laboratory in School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, reported the 3.4 angstrom cryo-EM structure of γ-secretase in a research article entitled “An atomic resolution str...Professor Ge Fei Wins 9th Mao Dun Prize for Literature
Renowned writer and Tsinghua Professor Ge Fei has won the 9th Mao Dun Prize for Literature; the award was announced on August 16th.The First Realization of Embedding quantum simulation in a trapped system Published in Nature Communications from Prof. Kim’s ion trap group
Prof. Kim’s ion trap group at Center of Quantum Information (CQI) of Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS) has realized the first embedding quantum simulator in the trapped i...Tsinghua University Commencement Ceremonies
The Tsinghua University Commencement ceremonies 2015 for graduates and undergraduates were held separately in the Comprehensive Gymnasium on the mornings of July 11 and 124th World Peace Forum Held at Tsinghua
The fourth World Peace Forum (WPF) was held from June 27 to 28. Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao addressed the opening ceremony held on SaturdayPresident Qiu Yong Delivers Speech at US-China University Presidents’ Round Table
The U.S.-China University Presidents’ Round Table was held at Rice University in Houston last Monday. Chinese Vice-Premier Liu Yandong attended the Round Table and gave the keynote address. Tsingh...Tsinghua University and University of Washington create groundbreaking partnership with launch of the Global Innovation Exchange Institute
In pursuit of solutions to some of the biggest global challenges, Tsinghua University and the University of Washington are partnering to create the Global Innovation Exchange Institute(GIX), an ins...